Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It has been a long time, but our computer was not allowing me to use this site. I'm back!

Logan's Senior Year

Study Hall

Latin IV-Mr. Darien

World Literature-Mr. Weyrich

Senior Religion-Mr. Alles

Writing Workshop-Mr. Forke

Symphonic Band-Mr. Schmidt
PE IV-Mrs. White

Intro to Forensic Science-Miss Siebarth

Logan is on the Varsity Soccer Team.

Brett's Freshmen Year

Concert Band-Mr. Schmidt

Algebra-Mr. Heintz

Latin I-Mr. Darien

Boys PE I-Coach Heinkel

Freshmen Religion-Mr. Koebert

Intro to Lab Science-Mr. Ellenberger

World History-Mr. Armitage

English I-Mr. Guilford

Brett is on the Freshmen Football Team. His team got to scrimmage against SWCHA...our friends, the Buchmeyers, are a part of this Homeschool team.

Katherine is enjoying the 6th grade. She is keeping busy with lots of homework, piano and trumpet lessons, and playing soccer and volleyball. Katherine made a new friend, a visitor from Italy. The two girls had lots of fun playing volleyball, badminton, going to the Milwaukee Public Museum, kayaking, roasting marshmallows and making pudgy pies.

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